Since you last saw us at EthDenver and Eth London, we've been hiding out from the Coronavirus working hard on DappHero. A lot is going on behind the scenes, we've taken your awesome feedback and started to work on the next version of the DappHero Alpha, which will be even cooler!

Collectible Support

Something we heard from a number of hackers during ETHDenver and ETHLondon was that more people were interested in support for NFT tokens directly in DappHero. We'll we've heard your voices and in our next release of the alpha we will be enabling accessing NFT tokens directly from your HTML elements.

We're still nailing down the tags that will be used to do this, but the tags are going to look something like this:

        <img width="200px" data-dh-property-asset-json-path="image_url" />
        <h2 data-dh-property-asset-json-path="name">Token Name</h2>

We can't wait to show you more!

jQuery Support

For builders who are looking to tweak their webpages just a bit more, we noticed a number of builder who were using jQuery to add some pizzazz to their websites using DappHero. We will be making this a bit easier by exposing helpers on the window that will let you listen for when DappHero has updated the DOM as well as give you the ability to manually trigger a refresh.

So, stay tight, as always you can reach us in the Telegram group is you have any questiosn, and we will have this out to you soon!